We’re a community of local friendly ambitious tinkerers.
We want to live near our friends, learn from each other, and create an incredible life together.
What's Fractal?
The Fractal collective started in New York. Founded by Priya and Andrew in 2021, Fractal NYC created a dense scene of artists, technologists, and humanists. They even did the seemingly impossible: get enough apartments in one building that the community could put down roots.
Since then, Fractal has grown to over a thousand members, hundreds of events a month, a DIY university with dozens of classes each semester, a coding bootcamp, a community coworking space, and more. The result: mutual support and a groundswell of new opportunities for community members — creative, social, and even professional.
Fractal members are learning together, starting businesses, making art, raising children, reshaping NYC’s civic infrastructure, and having a ton of fun together.
Now we’re speedrunning the Fractal playbook in Boston. Join us!
What's Happening Now?
We're meeting every week for dinner. Here's the format:
- Will eventually be at the same place and time every week. First few may be chaotic as we learn what works for us.
- The key is minimial effort. That means no cooking. We do takeout and/or BYO only.
- And no need to make your house look perfect — we all know what it's like to pretend you live in a museum when guests come over.
- Lightning talks are encouraged.
- RSVP if you're coming.
- Subscribe for updates.
What's Next?
- Nail down a regular location for weekly dinners by end of April
- Find a cozy home base. Might be a coworking space, an apartment building, a neighborhood third space, or even someone's living room.
- Stretch goal: organize a group house for next rent cycle (sept 1)